Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday, Sunday

I was a little bit afraid of today since it is a holiday but now that it is almost over & I haven't indulged in ANY naughty food I feel pretty victorious! It helps that instead of bbq-ing I went to lunch with my momma (who is AWESOME and eats healthy even in the face of MUCH temptation) and then dinner with my beautiful, THIN sisters (love you Erika & Marian!) who inspire me to keep working hard & making good choices. I DID go over my calories but not by much & only because I didn't workout today. But I never work out on Sundays so that's no thing.
Anyway, today was better than I thought it would be & I am SOOO excited to go to the gym tomorrow & work out. From talking with my sister Marian I am even MORE psyched to dive into this bet with my sister Rachel! She made some AWESOME points that are going to assist me in my strategy in this wager and I was able to make jokes about how I was going to send Rachel a "chocolate of the month" club membership by way of sabotage! I'm hilarious...
So, Happy Independence Day! I hope you all had a happy, healthy, SAFE holiday!


Bethany said...

how many sisters do you have?! I keep seeing new names of sisters. you must have so many. that would be fun. i have 5 brothers. we probably had totally opposite experiences growing up... ha!
way to go holding strong on the fourth!

Maggie said...

Bethany~I have 4 sisters & 1 sis-in-law (Marian, but she's so rad she's a REAL sister to me you know?). I'm the YOUNGEST of all the sisters too so it was pretty interesting growing up! It's nice to have so many great role models though.