Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Today, I am tired! I feel like I shouldn't be because I was in bed before 9 last night. I will admit to sitting up & reading for a bit but I KNOW I turned the light off before 10 p.m. and that is plenty early to get enough sleep. I didn't fall asleep very easily though & that is the issue. My mind raced & I could hear my baby playing (instead of sleeping the little monkey!) and I just couldn't fall asleep. Now I don't want to get myself together & off to the gym, even though I've been seeing some good results just since last Wednesday and I want to keep that up. So I'm thinking about motivation. For some reason, this morning, the jeans wager I have with my sister (see here) isn't getting me revved up like it did yesterday when I was feeling less than jazzed to hit the gym. Even seeing the AWESOME on the scale this morning isn't quite enough. (and it IS awesome, tomorrow is my "official" weigh-in and I'll take a picture to post so check back!) I haven't eaten breakfast yet though & I know that will assist in getting my more awake (read: alive) and ready for action. I am committed to getting to the gym today & I'll even put my gym clothes on as soon as I get finished eating breakfast. That will be just the committed action necessary to get me there because Lizzie (my lovely little daughter) will NOT let me rest until she knows "when we're going to the gym" (which she'll ask me 100 + times once she sees me in my gym clothes until we actually head out the door!). Maybe she's all the motivation I need?!?
 My REAL Motivation
As for yesterday, I will admit to taking it semi-easy at the gym. I didn't end up going until 2 in the afternoon (HOT) and so I wasn't really feeling it. I did about 20 minutes of cardio & upper body strength training. I had intended to do ab work too and decided not to since I still had a trip to the grocery store to complete before heading home. I worked HARD though and my arms are feeling it again this morning, nothing like last week (I was seriously concerned about having to carry/pick up the baby!) but a good ache in my muscles. I got pretty much right into the pool with the girls as soon as I got home so I had a little swim too. We have some friends coming over to swim this afternoon so my plan is to do some cardio & lower body strength training today & possibly some abs, if time permits. I'll update again tomorrow, there will be scale pictures--you don't want to miss that! (where's a sarcasm font when I really want one?!?)

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