Saturday, October 30, 2010

A little recap

So, it is Saturday. The official end of week one of my new beginning. I did pretty good this week. I know what I could've done better & am making those changes for the week to come.
First thing~I was having my period this week & had not one but TWO heavy flow days. Those wipe me out all on their own but add to that the fact that I ran around creation like crazy all week & that equals
Second thing~No boot camp on Friday. I just couldn't get out of bed. When I did I was exhausted all day long. Not my finest day.
Third thing~Halloween is approaching & I've already got candy in my house. I waited until Thursday to buy some & how long do you think it took before I started "sneaking" some? If you guessed mere hours (like 2 to be exact) you guessed right. I'd like to blame my period & the stress that I've been under this week but I also know my lack of self control is due to inner, not outer circumstances.
So, there it is. I won't be on my period next week so my energy will be up. I WILL have perfect attendance at boot camp next week and I am working on my issues with self control.
How was your week?

Monday, October 25, 2010

And so it begins...(again)

As you all know I have been more or less completely over working on my fitness goals for the last few months (which makes PERFECT sense considering the last 2 months have coincided with my jeans wager with my sister, Rachel). Well, as I stated in my last post, I'm beginning again.

One day last week I got the BEST e-mail from Jeff, the genius behind Robinson Fitness (see my sidebar for a link to his website, seriously he's a GENIUS!). He was offering an AMAZING discount on 8 weeks of boot camp, just enough to get through until the holiday break. Since my second main reason for discontinuing boot camp was the financial aspect (#1 was the heat, there were times over the summer that working out INSIDE almost killed me, outdoors was a total no-go) the discount came at the PERFECT time! We have a little extra cash, I have a TON of extra pounds & it seemed like a match made in heaven. So, after a little discussion with the hubs I signed up. I also got to go shopping since I let my daughter play with my old mat all summer (and she trashed it GOOD) so I was already happy before the first workout!

Well, this morning was the day 1 of the next 8 weeks. It was SO awesome to see Robin (the FABULOUS instructor, LOVE HER!) and some of the ladies I know & love from last fall/winter/spring. I was also MAJORLY intimidated to see how many new "veterans" there are & SO HAPPY to see all the many, many "newbies" that signed up. I love working out in the group atmosphere, it gives me motivation & inspiration when I start to feel like giving up.

And the workout was AWESOME. It was what Robin called "taking it easy" and what I was thinking of as "punishment for taking time off". Jeff plans the workouts to be pretty basic the beginning of each new 4 week boot camp & I could tell I've not kept up as much strength as I thought I had. I made it all the way through the whole hour though & I still feel so great! I can't wait to go tomorrow!

So, I took weight/measurements yesterday morning as a baseline for the next 8 weeks and I'm confident I will be reaching the goals I've set myself in the time I've determined. It feels so wonderful to be back on track, feeling positive & knowing I'm doing something so good for myself.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Starting Anew

As if you couldn't tell, I've been a little off track with my fitness regimen. I have been working out semi-faithfully & occasionally watching what I eat but it is nowhere NEAR what I would like it to be. I am getting more and more aware of the fact that I am turning 30 in less than 2 months. With all this (and some other stuff) in mind, I am starting again. This morning I started my day with some Carb Smart yogurt with half a serving of All Bran cereal. It was filling and tasted pretty good and it got me through my workout. I did upper body weight training and some ab work. I only did a little warm up for cardio & I'm counting on getting in a good cardio workout tomorrow.
I've also set myself some new goals. My number one goal is to be in the "healthy" BMI range by my birthday or the end of the year. This will mean serious dedication on my part. It also means letting go of 30 pounds in the next 2 months. I know I'm capable of it, I just get to stick with it and keep being positive. I'm working on getting myself back in the healthy, positive mind-set I was in last fall when I first started this journey. That's one thing I've noticed a lot lately, how negatively I've been regarding myself. I know it isn't doing me any favors & I am changing it NOW!

I'm really happy that I am finding the strength and the determination to make these healthy, positive changes in my life. I look forward to being an example of good habits for my children as they get older. I love being healthy, fit and strong!