Saturday, July 3, 2010

A day off

Or a half day off I guess would be more appropriate. Last night I took Lizzie (my 4 year old) to see Toy Story 3. It is such a rare occasion that I take her anywhere, just the 2 of us, that isn't just a quick errand or something that I decided we would "splurge". I was able to keep from getting a popcorn but I couldn't resist a big, soft pretzel with nacho cheese. I also feel pretty ridiculous ordering a diet soda when I know I'm going to eat junk so I got a cherry coke instead. Lizzie got a kid's pack that had a drink, popcorn & for a $1 more a candy (that of course I had to share with her!). The movie was cute, we both had a great time and as we left the theater Lizzie asked if we could eat dinner before going home. Of course, since it was 9 o'clock at night, I decided the best place to get dinner was Burger King. I know I could've gotten a salad or something but I got a BK Double Stacker meal. It was more food than I was even hungry for but I dutifully ate every single bite. I ended up staying up until 1 a.m. so I didn't feel ill when I went to bed but I DEFINITELY had a food hangover this morning & I thank my lucky stars that the scale was only part of a pound up from yesterday.
I feel like I have already partially redeemed myself today because I just came in from a 20 minute swim in our pool. Nothing strenuous but a little workout all the same. Plus I'm feeling like a run would be the best thing to stretch out my legs from the workouts I've done already this week. So a trip to the gym is on the agenda for this afternoon. I'm having some grilled chicken for lunch (probably with some cucumber slices & raspberry vinaigrette, yummy!) and while I don't have dinner plan just yet I have faith that I will make good choices for the rest of today.
I am feeling so much better already after all the off & on I've been doing so far this summer. Is it just me or does it seem like summer is the one time of year that a person REALLY wants to get thin & feel great but it is ALSO the one time a year where there's a bazillion reasons to eat like crap. play too much & exercise to little?!? I get to figure out how to keep up with my good habits instead of getting sidetracked or derailed every time something comes up. Anyone have a full proof, sure-fire method that works for them that you'd like to share?

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Amphetamines work pretty well as an appetite suppressant.