Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Biggest Loser

I used to feel like the biggest loser and not in the cool, reality show competition way. I used to feel like I was just "destined" to be the fat sister.
Me (fatty in green on the right) with my beautiful sisters.
I thought I was just "destined" to be a fat mom
Me with 3 of my kiddos
And that was I was lucky to have a husband who would love the fat me for the rest of our lives.
Me & Mark~May '08~approx 225 lbs

Me~May '08~approx 225 lbs
After I had my 3rd child I decided to make a change. I didn't want to be the biggest loser, I didn't want to be the fat sister, mom or wife. I wanted to be healthy. I wanted to be fit. I wanted to look good & feel strong. With hard work, healthy eating and the assistance of my doctor I got pretty close to my ultimate goal. Then I got pregnant again and I gave up. I figured I was just going to have to lose weight anyway once my baby arrived so what was the point in keeping it in check? (here's the point, in case you're wondering: it is MUCH easier to get back to a healthy weight if you DON'T gain over 80 lbs during a typical pregnancy)
Now that I'm almost 100% ready to get physically active again (I have my postpartum check up on February 2nd and I expect to be cleared for all activity at that point) I am figuring out how to get myself where I want to be. Part of that is The Biggest Loser.
Mark & my gift to ourselves for Christmas
I did my physical assessment & first workout yesterday. It was NOT easy. It felt like I'd never worked out before a day in my life. It got me sweating & out of breath. And I can't wait to do it again.
There you go, while I'm not the Biggest Loser (yet!) I'm also not the biggest loser. I'm not the fat sister, the fat mom or the fat wife (who is so lucky to have a husband who "loves her anyway"). I'm a healthy, fit, beautiful woman, in charge of my life & my health. You know what? It feels pretty good too!


Maggie said...

That's how I felt and sometimes still feel. Being the fat one of everything. Like it would never change and there was no hope. And sadly I finally just accepted that. But then I realized even if I am gonna be the big one of everything I can still be healthy, fit, and happy! Who cares if I'll never be as "skinny" as my sisters or friends. I have a totally different body type. As long as I'm healthy and happy why does my size matter? And I know for me when I'm healthy my size does go down but that's still a twelve which is big for a lot of women. But ya know I look great at a twelve or fourteen!! I've decided to do better too! I don't know what the point of me writing all that was. Maybe to tell you I know exactly how you feel! I'm so happy for you being happy!

Raylene said...

I agree with both of you! My mother and I are literally the ONLY fat people in our entire family. Even my grandparents eat super healthy and my grandpa walks several miles every morning. I don't have any sisters, but my cousins are all GORGEOUS and SKINNY! Anyway, I agree with Maggie's comment to your blog- If I have to be the "big one" then at least I can rock it! I don't plan to be skinny, I plan to be fit and feel good about myself. We can do it ladies!