Thursday, February 9, 2012

Another workout in the books

Boot camp this  morning was great. We were doing a count workout (Jeff does many different formats, some are timed, some are counting & some are both) where we did 50 reps of an exercise then ran the length of the field next to where we workout. Boot camp is held at a public elementary school and the field is probably the length of a soccer field. I wasn't quite sure which part was harder though, the 50 reps of each exercise or the run. Thankfully, boot camp only lasts 45 minutes so I didn't have to worry about it for too long!
Anyway, yesterday was L's 6th birthday and we took her & the other kids out to dinner at Red Robin. I was good and just ordered water to drink and a salad for my dinner (dressing on the side!) but we also got a couple different appetizers AND baskets of steak fries. OOPS! Oh well, today is a new day & I have the chance to make better food choice (thank goodness).
I'm interested to see what the scale says tomorrow morning when I do my weigh in. This is the first week since AJ was born that I've worked out every day and been focused on keeping my eating in check at the same time. Check back and see my results tomorrow. Fingers crossed I see a good number!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Sounds like you're doing great! And this is totally random, but I can't believe tomorrow is Friday! Where the heck did the week go? lol