Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Last Day of my Last Fat Year

It has probably become apparent with the frequency & the topic of my recent updates here that I am gearing up to return to physical fitness. This is possibly the most talked about, blogged about & google searched topic right now.
Tomorrow is a new year. I'm not pregnant, not getting pregnant and, while I will still be recovering from my most recent c-section; I am so close to being able to begin a fitness regimine that I will be slowly working up to it over the next few weeks. And my goal is to be more fit than I've ever been before when New Year's Ever 2012 rolls around.
So even though the timing would suggest this is my resolution for the New Year, the fact is that this is my resolution for my life. I resolve to be healthy & fit regardless of what life, the universe, my kids, whatever has in store for me. For the rest of my life.
Who's with me?

1 comment:

Alan and Sara Olsen said...

I'm with you Maggie!! (RubyRedSparkles)