Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Day 6 of the big experiment. I didn't work out today. I am finding that my allergies are doing a fantastic job of stealing away my sleep so that I feel like I've been hit by a truck when my alarm goes off. Add into that the fact that my period just started (YAY for womanhood!) and the ridiculous headaches I've been getting almost daily and I couldn't drag myself out of bed to get dressed and go work out. I'm *thinking* I'll see about going to the gym this evening while Mark and Jay are at scouts, we'll see. It'll be nearly bedtime for the girls so I'll wait to decide for sure based off how this afternoon's naps go.
I still haven't gotten on the scale either. I'm actually pretty proud of the restraint I'm showing by NOT weighing myself. I am pretty obsessed with what it says so the fact that I'm staying off is pretty good for me. At least I know I have self control in at least ONE thing!
I've only eaten a little today too. I had Cheerios for breakfast with 1% milk (we ran out of skim and my sister was kind enough to give us the milk they don't use at her house, THANKS RACHEL!!!). I ate a Popsicle that was delicious and I also had some jujubes. Healthy? Nah, but it isn't even lunch yet. I'm planning on ham and cheese with mustard for lunch. And dinner is going to be marinated salmon and some kind of veggie. The interesting thing I'm finding is that even though I'm not "trying" to eat healthy I just sort of plan my main meals that way no matter what. Now to get the snacking under control and I may have a solution!
Another thing to factor in is that Jay is leaving tomorrow morning. He will be visiting his dad and grandparents for the summer. He will be gone until right before school starts again in the fall. He goes every summer and it never gets easier (at least so far it hasn't). I avoid doing ANYTHING to get him ready any earlier than I absolutely HAVE to. I avoid thinking about it as much as possible. As much as I want to believe that he is just as loved and watched over while he's away I just don't. It is probably just the fact that I don't want anyone to be doing MY job (raising my son) but sometimes I wonder what he'll be like in the future because this has been the arrangement for so much of his life.
Anyway, I'm moody, emotional, tired and sick from my allergies. Who else is having a great day?!?

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Not too late to workout today...which will help with snacking, feeling better, etc.