Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My weekend recap

Since yesterday was Memorial Day I figure today is the REAL start to the week so I am going to recap my weekend.
Let me start by saying, I feel like CRAP. I ate like crap, I slept like crap and I worked out. I was actually pretty good, I went to boot camp yesterday morning & made it through the entire hour. This morning I only made it through 45 minutes but I kept getting a weird, crampy, barfy feeling. I finally went to the restroom to see if I could just barf & be done with it but it just gave me that super fun, stuck in the back of my throat feeling that is one of the main reasons why I avoided throwing up at all costs. So I left early, came home and got right back into bed. I slept until I HAD to get up with the kids and I'm crossing my fingers that I will get to shower soon & then get my errands for the day taken care of before I collapse from exhaustion.
So here is a rundown of the last few days;
FRIDAY---First day of summer vacation. With no reason to get the kids up & off somewhere I skipped boot camp & slept until forced out of bed by Lizzie playing in the backyard by the (for some ODD reason) OPEN pool gate. FREAKED me OUT! Seriously, THAT had my heart rate up as high as a set of mountain climbers, EASY! Thursday night was a late one and we had a pretty lazy day on Friday. I honestly can't remember anything of note that we did!
SATURDAY---Friday was my sister's birthday so I knew I was going out for appetizers & dessert with her, our mom & our other sister on Saturday night. You'd think that would've motivated me to make healthy food choices throughout the day to "make up" for it, wouldn't you? Well, it didn't. I ate waffles for breakfast, something gross for lunch, NO dinner and then I had chicken potstickers for an appetizer & shared THREE different kinds of dessert with my mom & sisters. After dessert my birthday sister & I went out to karaoke and I drank water & diet coke. Then we split an order of sliders with my BFF and her hubby around 1 in the morning. At least I danced a fair amount & I KNOW dancing is an excellent form of exercise!
SUNDAY---I'm going to pretend Sunday didn't happen until around 4 p.m. when we headed out to my BFF's house for a Memorial Day party & BBQ. Seriously, NOT a morning/early afternoon that I will think of fondly in future years. Ate the BEST BBQ chicken EVER along with potato salad, deviled eggs, pasta salad, sliced apples, tortilla chips & bean dip, potato chips & ranch dip and some sliced cucumbers (so I can feel like I ate SOMETHING good) and some super yummy chocolate peanut butter squares that were SOOO delish and slightly addicting. Top it off with a Pepsi and some fruit punch and then a "firecracker" Popsicle and then falling asleep in the car on the ride home. AWESOME.
MONDAY---I've already mentioned that I worked out yesterday morning and then I had a small bowl of raisin bran post-workout. Around 10 I got a call from my sister that our family would be swimming and BBQ-ing at her house from around 11:30 on so I got my girls together and we headed over there around noon. I shared a hamburger with my pregnant sister, for myself I had a hot dog and plenty of chips. I drank WAY too much soda, not enough water and barely made it into the water before my baby needed to be out and playing inside. For dinner I had a leftover hamburger. I almost forgot, I also ate 2 slices of chocolate cake, half a slice of coconut cream pie and one Popsicle. I stopped eating right before I went to bed, around 8 p.m.
Today is somewhat better. I have no party or family get together scheduled. I have no chocolate cake or pie in my house. I'm planning on having grilled chicken and steamed broccoli for dinner. I DID have waffles for breakfast and I'm majorly regretting them now. I still feel pretty nasty from this weekend. I'm thinking of doing a cleanse. Anyone have any suggestions of a good one?!?
So far the results of my experiment are as follows; I am bloated, oh yes, I am bloated. My belly is so flabby and gross. After eating yesterday I could've SWORN it was a pregnant belly I had, so round and HUGE! I am still avoiding the scale but my size 14 shorts are fitting a little more snug then they were last week. I'm tired 24/7 and I feel like I'm almost FORCING myself to make poor food choices over the healthy ones. At least I know my healthy eating is an ingrained habit at this point!
I may give up on my experiment a little early. This is getting almost painful. We'll see...

1 comment:

Olivia said...

listen to your body...