Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pictures & Report

Not a lot to say. Here are some pictures from yesterday & today. 
Here is the scale first thing yesterday morning. It hasn't read this in over 3 months. Awesome...
Here is a front view from today. Notice the really nice look on my face? Apparently Mark can't wait for me to be ready before he takes the picture. Oh well, I'm more concerned with how *hot* my belly looks!
Alright, just a side view from today. Not too bad, I think my belly has been flatter but NOT as gross as I was afraid it would be after this last week's experiment.
Back view from today. Not getting any smaller just yet but I am happy to report that I HAVE gone down over 10 inches on my hips since September. I think that is pretty good progress.
And the grand finale! This is what the scale read this morning! After just ONE day of eating better and exercising! I am so happy!
Final results of my experiment: I didn't get any smaller and only ONE of my measurements went up and it only went up by a 1/4". Not too bad considering. The scale DID go up almost 10 full pounds but after one day BACK on track it is back down almost SEVEN full pounds! I haven't braved any of my shorts or pants just yet, I'm "saving" that for Monday!
One last note; I frequent a blog where the author takes pictures of her scale and I think I'm going to as well. Seeing those numbers out there like this is making it so real. Knowing that any person who stumbles upon my blog can see what I weigh is sobering and is going to drive me and keep me accountable. So these 2 pictures are the first of many. I will post new pictures weekly when I weigh in. Keep coming back to see how this progresses.
Oh, wait! I guess I probably have a "lesson learned" in here somewhere too. UMMMM, basically I HATE living unhealthy. After all this time of eating right, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep; etc. I just don't find the appeal of that old lifestyle. As I said a few posts back, it was getting painful living so "dirty". Being back on the clean, healthy lifestyle I've gotten used to tells me that I will not only be successful in reaching my goal weight of 135 pounds, I will be successful in MAINTAINING that weight for the rest of my life!


Olivia said...

Way to go! Welcome back...

Regarding the weight thing from yesterday to today...I'm not trying to marginalize the effects of eating poorly, not exercising, etc.; however, it is IMPOSSIBLE to lose 7 pounds in one day. Is your scale in the same spot all the time, or doe sit get put away and pulled out each day? I'm happy you're encouraged by your weight being down today, but because of yesterday's BOGUS reading, I'd recommend putting more stock in your pics and measurements.

PS Mark never called me.

Bethany said...

great job getting back into the groove! i bet you had a lot of water weight you needed to loose, not really fat, you know. how encouraging to see such results so dang fast. lucky! you're doing great!

Maggie said...

@Olivia~My scale IS always in the same place, I haven't moved it much at all (maybe a tiny bit) since we moved in. I really think the thing with the 190 was all the carbs I ate during that week. I had so much water retention too from drinking soda & eating too much salt and other assorted crap. I know it might've been an anomaly but it still SUCKED to see!
@Bethany~Thanks for the encouragement. I think I peed more in the last 2 days than in the whole previous week so it is DEFINITELY possible that it was water weight! The results on the scale seem to matter more & more as I'm getting closer to my goal. It was very nice to see!

Marian and Sadie said...

135.00, wow! i interested in seeing you reach your goal. you have come this far so i'm sure you can do it.

Abbey said...

Maggie! You are my weight loss hero!!!