Friday, January 22, 2010

Workout Update

I went to the gym & because I haven't been able or willing to go running lately I was not too ambitious about how long I would go on the treadmill. I decided to start out slow & work my way up to running. That isn't what I do when I run outside but I thought I'd be easy on myself. Anyway, after 2 minutes I couldn't stand it any longer & upped my speed to a moderate pace. It felt SO good to be running & moving and even though it was incredibly boring (my iPod could only liven things up so much!) I kept at it until I went a mile. And then I decided I would run until the timer said 20 minutes. THEN I decided I would RUN for 20 minutes (22 minutes total). When I passed 22 minutes it occurred to me that I may have actually walked for 3 minutes so I ran for one more, just in case. After that I was intending to go home but I felt SO good I decided to do some ab work. Since the c-section last May I have been working on getting my abs stronger (my whole core actually) and I am DETERMINED to be able to wear a bikini when Mark takes me to Hawaii for my 30th birthday. (Oh, you didn't know about that? Mark doesn't either!) After I did some ab exercises I decided I wanted to work out my upper body a bit (I felt the running was probably a pretty decent lower body workout) so I went to the free weights. As I was preparing to do my third set I remembered that I had only brought Lizzie to the gym with me & that Mark was at home with a sleeping (or so I thought) Katy waiting for me to return so he could head into work. OOPS!
All in all a GREAT workout & I am SOOO looking forward to boot camp on Monday!  
P.S. The background will change periodically but it will ALWAYS be something to keep me mindful of my Hawaii goal!

1 comment:

Marian and Sadie said...

good job! i'm happy to see that you have found something that is working for you. keep it up. i really want to see you go to is a beautiful place to visit. good luck