Friday, January 22, 2010

Rain, Rain GO AWAY!!!

One of the things Mark (& occasionally I) misses most about Montana is the rain. Well, he hasn't had much to miss this week! It has been raining...and raining...and raining. Enough rain that, after being sick for three days & then enjoying the day off Mark & Jay had off on Monday, boot camp has been canceled the last two days. While my sore body was okay with it being canceled yesterday I was ACTUALLY looking forward to getting up at 4:45 this morning, going out in the cold and getting my butt kicked for an hour. Better than getting it padded! But with the rain it is just too wet in the park where we work out and so I have another day to figure out for myself what to do. I have decided that I am going to use my long neglected gym membership and go running on the treadmill. When I began running I realized that running on a treadmill is easier on the knees (it has that little bit of give that feels almost like bouncing) but SOOO much harder mentally. I've come to LOVE running outdoors, making the next tree, the next light pole, the next whatever my goal as I progressed from walking more than running, to running more than walking to being able to run a mile non stop. I know that I will have my iPod and that the Black Eyed Peas will keep me company for however long I can stand to be on the infernal machine. I also know that I miss the hard yet fruitful workouts that Jeff devises and that Robin delivers in her friendly yet drill instructor-ish way. My wish & desire for next week is that the rain will be gone or at least slowed down enough that on Monday I can go to boot camp & save my running for the great outdoors. Here's hoping...

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