Sunday, March 21, 2010

A small victory

There are few things I enjoy more than when I see someone I know but haven't seen for a while & I can see that they are unsure who I am. This happened again last night & it is a bittersweet feeling that I am REALLY digging lately! I look at it like this; on the one hand it is sad how far gone I was that now when people who knew me then see me NOW and don't recognize me. On the other is it a real testament to what eating right & exercise can do for a person.
The first picture is me on August 22, 2009 (and approx. 240 lbs.) and the second is me on March 17, 2010 (and approx 180 lbs). Is that really even the same girl?!?
P.S. In case you can't tell I'm wearing the same dress in both pictures too.


Cristie said...

You go girl! I'm proud of you, Maggie :)

Rachel said...

you are looking fabulous and making such great progress!! keep up the good work!

Sowells said...

You look amazing! I am so impressed with your dedication and discipline! (I need to work on that!)

by...K@ Ashcroft said...

Wow! What a difference! SOOOO motivating! I saw you yesterday (at least I'm quite sure it was you) running around the park. I was telling Jim how awesome you are and that you are looking amazing. Keep up the great work!!! (cuz I know it is indeed work)