Saturday, February 13, 2010

Running towards my goals

I was in the car last night, driving to the store. Running towards me on the sidewalk was man. He was older, probably 50's-60's and he seemed to be in pretty good shape. There wasn't anything particularly significant in how he looked or what he was wearing. Quite frankly there was nothing of note in WHAT he was doing. It was me. As I watched him running I felt myself overcome with jealousy. I haven't been faithful with my running (as I've previously posted) and I still haven't "gotten on track" or to where I'd like to be. I realized that I have been missing how I feel when I run, especially when I have a day without boot camp, my primary workout. I've set goals for where I want my weight/clothes size. I've set calorie goals & carb vs. protein intake goals. I've even set a goal about growing out my hair. I have yet to set a goal that I feel 100% committed to in regards to my running. Doing the Turkey Trot 10K was more a matter of pride than a goal attaining exercise. I had told enough people in my family & circle of friends (boot camp people too!) that I would've been ashamed of myself to admit that I had chickened out or just decided not to do it. But with my daily (or whatever!) running I haven't set a goal like; "I'm going to run 3 miles non stop by" whatever deadline. I can honestly say that I can now run a mile and a half non stop where 2 months ago I couldn't. Two months ago I had just run ONE mile non stop for the first time and that was an EXTREMELY proud day for me.
So here I am. I am making a goal! I am making a goal & putting it out there for all to see. Hold me to it. Ask me about my progress. Keep asking until I have a new answer.




I will run 3 miles non stop 
on or before April 15th, 2010

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