In other news, I am contemplating re-joining a gym instead of continuing with boot camp. While I <3 boot camp & the amazing workout I get there I am having SUCH a hard time getting up to get there on time. The baby STILL isn't sleeping through the night (she's not even 5 months old yet, I guess I could cut her some slack) and even though Mark gets up with her more often than not my sleep is still broken and it makes me more tired than a full night's sleep would. I feel terrible paying for the monthly fee and than sleeping through it more often than not. Also, now that AJ is older I could take her to the gym with me (she & K could go) if I join a gym with a decent kids' club. That way I could go after Mark & the big kids are off for the day and still get the sleep I seem to be needing right now.
There you have it, I'm still above 230 lbs, my toes are still wearing old, chipped polish & I might be joining a gym. Oh, and I'm going shopping today to spend money on some shorts. I'm not terribly happy about that but I REFUSE to wear sweats and maternity shorts this summer and it's already getting hot here. Good times...
1 comment:
Don't be so hard on yourself! It's hard work! If you'd like, I can come over & show you some Beachbody programs and help u decide if one will work for u :). There are so many I'm sure there is one you'd love :). I can also bring u a sample of Shakeology... I swear it helps with energy, cravings and tons of nutrition! The great thing about Beachbody programs is that u do that at HOME! In YOUR time!
Anyway, let me know! Just keep trying!
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