Thursday, January 5, 2012

a TRIUMPH today

I decided to put that in all caps because while it may seem small to some, for me it was HUGE!!!
I took little miss K & baby AJ to the store this morning around 11 to get a few things that i wanted/needed to have in my quest for my perfect body. I told K that if she was good we'd stop and get Wendy's on the way home. Now, before you yell at me let me tell you why I chose Wendy's.
#1 because they have chicken nuggets & french fries which is pretty much the only type of fast food K will eat (other than bean burritos from Taco Bell) and #2 because they have this super delish salad~Apple Pecan Chicken salad. I planned on getting the half size with a full chicken breast without the pecans (which are probably fine for my eating changes but I just don't like pecans). Made that way, with the dressing it was still under 300 calories.
Anyway, she was good, we got Wendy's and headed home.
When we got home I started putting K's food on a plate and as I got the fries out of the bag one fell out. Without really thinking about it I popped it in my mouth, like I've done probably THOUSANDS of times before. This time was different. Before I could start chewing it the thought came in my mind "is this one fry really worth what it will take to work it off?" and I realized that it wasn't! So I spit it out in the trash.
Now, like I said, that may not seem like a huge accomplishment but for me it REALLY is. I am guilty of mindlessly eating WAY too often. Actually THINKING about what I'm putting in my mouth BEFORE I consume it is a HUGE step for me, one I will work HARD to keep up.
So there you have it. My triumph for today. Here's to more tomorrow and every day after that!


Maggie said...

That is AWESOME!! I did that the other day, it was with a fry or noodle or something like that. Anyway, I started to put it in my mouth and then I was like NOOO and I gave it to Paul to eat. lol

Unknown said...

Way to go! Keep holding strong!

Lynalice said...

That's great! I started a 90 day challenge to not eat fast food for 90 days. So far, so good. I also decided that if fast food wasn't good for me, why am I letting my son eat it? So now we're a fast food free family. (Until he has a starvation meltdown while we're not home lol) I've been taking snacks and sandwhiches with us when we go places so that if he does get hungry I have something to feed him. I'm so excited for this AMAZING triumph!! Keep it up!

Alan and Sara Olsen said...

You GO Maggie!!! French Fries are a weakness of mine for sure!!