Monday, January 9, 2012

Oh the weekend...

The weekend didn't start out too bad. I weighed in on Friday & saw that I weigh 250.4 (or was it 250.2? I can't remember for sure) for a total of 7 lbs released since I started keeping track. I feel pretty good about that! Then I took a shower and while I was drying off I noticed something not so good. In case you don't know I had my 4th child last month via c-section. It was my second c-section and my recovery has been going great. So great in fact, that I foolishly walked 3 miles last Thursday carrying AJ in the Moby (and she's over 10lbs now) and pushing K in the stroller. Well, that was overdoing it physically. Then I couldn't get in the shower right away and THAT created the perfect opportunity for an infection to set in in my incision. After having my suspicion confirmed by my midwife I am now on antibiotics for 10 days. She also made sure to remind me that I am supposed to SLOWLY up my activity level over the next few weeks. That means that my plan to start the Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout this week is on hold for another week or so. I will be adding in some light strength training (I bought a resistance band the other night that I want to use for some upper body work) and continuing walking & using the elliptical.
Then Saturday, what can I say? I started out the day really well. My mom stayed Friday night & we got up in the morning and with my mom's support I started some (badly overdue) organizing and cleaning. I felt pretty good for the most part and I got some good work accomplished. I was even eating well (I made a protein smoothie for breakfast and planned a healthy lunch) when I started to feel...bad. Feverish and achy and just overall NOT WELL. I have a bad habit when I'm not feeling well. And that is to eat JUNK, any and all the junk I can. I ended Saturday under my calorie goal but WAY over my carb goal.
I woke up Sunday feeling better but with new pain in my incision. I didn't even feel like I could get out of bed with my newborn. Thankfully Mark was able & willing to take care of her and I slept for a couple more hours. When I woke up again I used the bathroom and instantly felt better. And I learned that I'm still in the phase of c-section recovery that a full bladder = incision pain. Nice. Anyway, I got cleaned up & went to IKEA with my mom & AJ. Again, I was making good food choices and if you have ever gone to an IKEA store you know that it is like walking a few miles at a slow speed. Those stores are HUGE. Plus I was carrying AJ in my Snugli so it really felt like a workout. Well, I got home from being out with my mom and I started feeling hungry, really, really hungry. And I ate & I ate & I ate until I went to bed a little before 8 p.m. I didn't even track all my food because I honestly couldn't remember everything I ate!
BUT, today is the start of a new week and I am so grateful for the chance I have to make new choices. I have eaten healthy so far this morning and I am toying with the idea of taking the girls out for a walk rather than using the elliptical. Either way I am planning some exercise for today & that makes me feel confident.
So, here's to a new week full of good food choices, being active & seeing another weight release for my Friday weigh in!


Maggie said...

Wow, I'm glad that you're doing ok. Infections can be scary! I hate that feeling of wanting to do so much more than I am able to. I hope you keep recovering well from your C-section and that it heals well from now on.

I had kind of a crappy food weekend too. It is a new week, You'll do great! We'll both do great! Way to go Maggie! You CAN do it!

P.S. It's weird typing your name out, it makes me feel like I'm talking to myself. lol

Lynalice said...

Man the infection part stinks! But, hooray for the beginning of a new week and new choices to be made!