Friday, June 4, 2010


Day 7 and Day 8, final days of the experiment.
I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take the bloaty, gassy feelings. I couldn't take the headaches and the heartburn. I couldn't take the way my clothes are (not) fitting. The experiment is OVER.
I weighed myself this morning. I'm not sure WHAT I was expecting but it CERTAINLY wasn't what I saw; 190.0!
Okay, an almost 10 pound weight gain in just a WEEK is madness! I "comfort" myself with the knowledge that I only went to boot camp twice in that time and the only other "exercise" I got was random errand running and chasing after my girls (what little of that there was). 
I think back on all the NASTY things I put in my body this week and I want to barf, then cry then barf again (just to get it all OUT!!!). I went from drinking water to drinking diet soda to drinking regular soda. I went from eating a small bowl of raisin bran (primarily for the fiber) to eating BIG bowls (yes MULTIPLE) of Fruit Loops. I went from barely eating any bread, pasta or potatoes to eating waffles, bagels, sandwiches on 2 slices of bread, pasta or pizza for dinner and french fries like they're being discontinued. I went from having a sweet treat every now & again to (I swear) one day I'm pretty sure I ate very little OTHER than treats and candy. *GAG*
So, now I'm SO OVER IT!!! I'm ready to recommit. I'm ready to master physical myself & release all the pounds and fat that I have allowed to drag me down and hold me back. As promised, there will be pictures of myself and my scale tomorrow. I will post regular (weekly?) pictures of the scale as I make me way down to my goal weight. I will be scrupulous in my food tracking and I will be accountable in my intake.
I AM a beautiful, honest, joyful woman of light.


Bethany said...

isn't it sad how fast we can gain it back? ugh. i hate that! kudos for getting back into the groove. it just feels so much better to be healthy. you can do it!
-bethany (betnotbe)

Olivia said...

You can do it!

(and, yes, you are!)

Maggie said...

@Bethany~It does stink pretty bad that it came back SOOO fast. Having this week of feeling so awful was good in a way though, I was able to see how I want to be healthy and not just stuff my face all the time!
@Olivia~Thank you, I know!