Monday, August 9, 2010

A Quick Update

I WISH I had a picture of this but you'll just get to take my word for it. Saturday was 4 weeks since I began working out regularly with my friend Erin & that first day I measured my body fat percentage on one of those little hand held thing-ies they use at my gym. They look like this:
On that day I was not overly surprised to see my body fat percentage was 33.9%. I wasn't terribly PROUD of that but I KNEW it had been 44% at one point. So that WAS progress. Well, more progress was made in the last 4 weeks & this time, I AM proud. The reading on the screen was...





You could say I'm happy about that...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Weighing In--How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Have you ever watched that Tiny Toons movie? It is seriously so hilarious! I wonder if I could find it on DVD somewhere? HMMMM...
Anyway, today gets to be weigh-in day since on Wednesday I was still on vacation, in MT with my beautiful, thin sister who (apparently) doesn't believe in scales. The following is actually from yesterday morning but I spent most of yesterday keeping my children from destroying our furniture, house & each other. That didn't leave any down time for blogging. So, here it is...
That's right! I hit my goal (and passed it by THREE pounds!) a full 3 days before my date! I'm so excited! I get to get a pedicure! That and I KNOW I'll be under 170 by next week (the amoebic dysentery that I have to thank for the astounding, nearly 10 pound weight loss is less than a week is still lingering and I am DYING to get back to the gym!) and for the first time in too long I am feeling energized & excited & CAPABLE of accomplishing the goals I set for myself. Who wants to get a pedi on Saturday?
That said, I want to give a BIG shout-out to my friend Erin. She is SO AWESOME! She joined the same gym as me about a month ago & we started working out together right away. We just got into a pretty good routine when I went ahead & went on vacation, leaving her here to carry on alone. And she TOTALLY did it! I am so proud, impressed & inspired by her! She went every. single. day! So much of my new-found motivation & encouragement is coming from her being there & going through this with me. She rock MAJOR and I just wanted to let you all know that.
The "official" start day for my wager is getting closer. My lovely sister is seeing her doc soon & we'll begin in earnest then. She has been cheating by breastfeeding her newborn daughter but I suppose my "super-cleanse" could be considered cheating as well! We're still in negotiations about how much of her statistics I will be allowed to share on here. I felt like a starting weight (as a baseline) and then updates for her every 4 weeks would keep things interesting & let you have a chance to tell me when to step it up, post tips & ideas for how to progress faster or more efficiently & maybe to begin rooting for her (if you want to lose a friend, that's your business, haha). Anyway, I'll post another weigh-in next Wednesday & I'll update after the first time I get back in the gym. I have a feeling that will be an interesting experience!